Workaround for VS 2010 Beta 2 Bug: CommandBarButton.Style not honored, always Icon + Caption

Back in VS.NET 2002/2003 the only way to change the style (Icon only, or Icon + Caption) of a CommandBarButton created from a Command was to cast the CommandBarControl returned by Command.AddControl to CommandBarButton and use the CommandBarButton.Style property.

If you use that approach in VS 2010 Beta 2 you will find this bug that I already mentioned:

VS 2010 Beta 2 Bug: CommandBarButton.Style not honored, always Icon + Caption

That means that if the toolbar of your add-in has 30 buttons which should be shown as “only icon”, due to this bug they will shown as “icon + caption” and you hardly will see 7 of them…

Fortunately there is a workaround thanks to the EnvDTE80.Commands2.AddNamedCommand2 method that was introduced in VS 2005. So you can:

  • Cast the EnvDTE.DTE.Commands (or EnvDTE80.DTE2.Commands) property to EnvDTE80.Commands2
  • Call the Commands2.AddNamedCommand2 method passing in the CommandStyleFlags parameter the EnvDTE80.vsCommandStyle.vsCommandStylePict value

I hope this helps.

One thought on “Workaround for VS 2010 Beta 2 Bug: CommandBarButton.Style not honored, always Icon + Caption”

  1. In the last few days I was preparing to submit this bug to Microsoft, but we’ve been attending the StackOverflow DevDays event in London and was caught short.

    Thanks for reporting this one.

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