MZ-Tools Articles Series: HOWTO: Locate the index of a CommandBarControl on a Commandbar to add a control or menu before or after it from a Visual Studio add-in.

After three whole months of procrastination about the MZ-Tools Articles Series and a lot of hesitation about continuing or giving up (I am continually struggling with day job, nights/weekends, family, spare time, some needed sport, this blog, the MSDN VSX forum, the MVP program, the MZ-Tools add-in, priorities balancing, etc. and even PS3 Top Spin 3 tennis gaming and a planned switch to Apple / iMac), it seems that today I found some desire to write a new (small) article about a question that appears from time to time in the forums:

HOWTO: Locate the index of a CommandBarControl on a Commandbar to add a control or menu before or after it from a Visual Studio add-in.

More to come about internationalization issues in Visual Studio add-ins that I am facing these days…