Nine years ago, back in July 2004, my very first article of the MZ-Tools Series was about changing the source code of templates used by Visual Studio when generating projects (Class Library, etc.):
HOWTO: Changing the source code of templates used by Visual Studio .NET wizards
All these years later I have used hundreds of times the Visual Studio add-in wizard to generate the samples of add-ins for the articles, and I find myself changing the default code over and over. Some days ago I wondered about publishing online better templates with the correct patterns, etc. but that is not possible because the code is generated by a wizard, that is needed to generate the .AddIn file outside the project folder (otherwise an add-in project is just a Class Library project). So, what I have done is to modify the templates used by the wizard, which happen to be in a hidden location, documented in this new article:
HOWTO: Changing the source code of Visual Studio Add-in project templates