MZ-Tools Articles Series: INFO: CLR HRESULT errors loading add-ins

In the past few years, I have been documenting quite a few CLR strange error codes loading add-ins that I have found:

The strange case of error 8013101b loading a Visual Studio add-in

The strange case of error 80131515 loading a Visual Studio add-in

Another strange case of error 80131522 loading a Visual Studio add-in

The strange case of <Unknown Error> 8013150A loading a Visual Studio add-in

The strange case of <Unknown Error> 8013141A loading a Visual Studio add-in

The strange case of error 80131018 loading a Visual Studio add-in

and in all cases you are clueless given the error code. Today I wondered where those CLR error codes would be defined (that Visual Studio can’t get the meaning) so at least you could get manually the definition to get a clue about the cause of the problem. I have found that they are defined in a file named CorError.h. The details are in my new article:

INFO: CLR HRESULT errors loading add-ins